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Found 32087 results for any of the keywords the multnomah county. Time 0.009 seconds.
Multnomah County Website Terms | Multnomah CountyMultnomah County websites provide general information and services. Information and linked sites have not been reviewed.
Home | Multnomah County Sheriff s OfficeThe Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) is committed to creating safe and thriving communities for everyone. The impact of MCSO is immense, providing corrections, civil and public safety services to the most populou
Multnomah County District AttorneyThe Multnomah County District Attorney's Office is driven to make the criminal justice system smarter, safer, and more compassionate.
Board declares 90-day fentanyl state of emergency; County, City and StThe Multnomah County Board of Commissioners on Thursday, Feb. 1 voted to declare a 90-day state of emergency in response to the ongoing public health and public safety crisis driven by fentanyl.
Grand Jury Remote Testimony | Multnomah County District AttorneyThe Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office has implemented a temporary operational change in response to COVID-19. We strongly recommend that victims and witnesses subpoenaed to grand jury appear remotely at this ti
Multnomah County facing budget shortfall in latest 5-year forecast | MThe Multnomah County Budget Office forecasts a $14 million deficit for Fiscal Year 2024-25. Without any changes or economic improvements, that could grow the deficit to $40.5 million by FY 2028-29.
Multnomah County District Attorney s Office - YouTubeThe Multnomah County District Attorney is responsible for prosecuting individuals who commit state criminal law violations in Multnomah County. The District ...
Multnomah County, Street Roots release 2022 Domicile Unknown report ofMirroring national trends, fentanyl-related deaths and traffic deaths continue to rise
NEWS RELEASE: Joint Office of Homeless Services moves forward with St.The day center, operated by Do Good Multnomah, is funded through the Supportive Housing Services Measure; it will provide drop-in day services when it opens in late 2024.
Multnomah County, Cities of Portland, Gresham combating gun and communWhile the current downward trend is encouraging, it also shows that sustained efforts and investments are required to return to pre-pandemic levels.
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